Fun With Haxl (Part 1)

This is a blog-post version of a talk I recently gave at the Haskell eXchange 2015. The video of the talk is here, but there were a lot of questions during the talk which aren’t very audible on the video, so hopefully this post will be useful to folks who weren’t at the event.

If you want to play with the examples yourself, the code is available on github, and to run the examples you’ll need to cabal install haxl sqlite first, or the stack equivalent.

What is Haxl?

Haxl is a library that was developed for solving a very specific problem at Facebook: we wanted to write purely functional code, including data-fetching operations, and have the data-fetches automatically batched and performed concurrently as far as possible. This is exactly what Haxl does, and it has been running in production at Facebook as part of the anti-abuse infrastructure for nearly a year now.

Although it was designed for this specific purpose, we can put Haxl to use for a wide range of tasks where implicit concurrency is needed: not just data-fetching, but other remote data operations (including writes), and it works perfectly well for batching and overlapping local I/O operations too. In this blog post (series) I’ll start by reflecting on how to use Haxl for what it was intended for, and then move on to give examples of some of the other things we can use Haxl for. In the final example, I’ll use Haxl to implement a parallel build system.

Example: accessing data for a blog

Let’s suppose you’re writing a blog (an old-fashioned one with dynamically-generated pages!) and you want to store the content and metadata for the blog in a database. I’ve made an example database called blog.sqlite, and we can poke around to see what’s in it:

$ sqlite3 blog.sqlite
SQLite version 3.8.2 2013-12-06 14:53:30
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .tables
postcontent  postinfo     postviews  
sqlite> .schema postinfo
CREATE TABLE postinfo(postid int, postdate timestamp, posttopic text);
sqlite> .schema postcontent
CREATE TABLE postcontent(postid int, content text);
sqlite> select * from postinfo;
1|2014-11-20 10:00:00|topic1
2|2014-11-20 10:01:00|topic2
3|2014-11-20 10:02:00|topic3
sqlite> select * from postcontent;
1|example content 1
2|example content 2
3|example content 3

There are a couple of tables that we’re interested in: postinfo, which contains the metadata, and postcontent, which contains the content. Both are indexed by postid, an integer key for each post.

Now, let’s make a little Haskell API for accessing the blog data. I’ll do this twice: first by calling an SQL library directly, and then using Haxl, to compare the two.

The code for the direct implementation is in BlogDB.hs, using the simple sqlite package for accessing the sqlite DB (there are other more elaborate and type-safe abstractions for accessing databases, but that is orthogonal to the issues we’re interested in here, so I’m using sqlite to keep things simple).

In our simple API, there’s a monad, Blog, in which we can access the blog data, a function run for executing a Blog computation, and two operations, getPostIds and getPostContent for making specific queries in the Blog monad. To summarise:

type Blog a  -- a monad

run :: Blog a -> IO a

type PostId = Int
type PostContent = String

getPostIds     :: Blog [PostId]
getPostContent :: PostId -> Blog PostContent

The implementation of the API will print out the queries it is making, so that we can see what’s happening when we call these functions. Let’s use this API to query our example DB:

GHCi, version 7.11.20150924:  :? for help
[1 of 1] Compiling BlogDB           ( BlogDB.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: BlogDB.
*BlogDB> run getPostIds
select postid from postinfo;
*BlogDB> run $ getPostIds >>= mapM getPostContent
select postid from postinfo;
select content from postcontent where postid = 1;
select content from postcontent where postid = 2;
select content from postcontent where postid = 3;
select content from postcontent where postid = 4;
select content from postcontent where postid = 5;
select content from postcontent where postid = 6;
select content from postcontent where postid = 7;
select content from postcontent where postid = 8;
select content from postcontent where postid = 9;
select content from postcontent where postid = 10;
select content from postcontent where postid = 11;
select content from postcontent where postid = 12;
["example content 1","example content 2","example content 3","example content 4","example content 5","example content 6","example content 7","example content 8","example content 9","example content 10","example content 11","example content 12"]

The problem: batching queries

Now, the issue with this API is that every call to getPostContent results in a separate select query. The mapM call in the above example gave rise to one select query to fetch the contents of each post separately.

Ideally, rather than

select content from postcontent where postid = 1;
select content from postcontent where postid = 2;
select content from postcontent where postid = 3;

What we would like to see is something like

select content from postcontent where postid in (1,2,3);

This kind of batching is particularly important when the database is remote, or large, or both.

One way to solve the problem is to add a new API for this query, e.g.:

multiGetPostContents :: [PostId] -> IO [PostContent]

But there are several problems with this:

  • Clients have to remember to call it, rather than using mapM.

  • If we’re fetching post content in multiple parts of our code, we would have to arrange to do the fetching in one place and plumb the results to the places that need the data, which might involve restructuring our code in an unnatural way, purely for efficiency reasons.

  • From a taste perspective, multiGetPostContents duplicates the functionality of mapM getPostContent, which is ugly.

This is the problem that Haxl was designed to solve. We’ll look at how to implement this API on top of Haxl in the next couple of sections, but just to demonstrate the effect, let’s try it out first:

Prelude> :l HaxlBlog
[1 of 2] Compiling BlogDataSource   ( BlogDataSource.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 2] Compiling HaxlBlog         ( HaxlBlog.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: HaxlBlog, BlogDataSource.
*HaxlBlog> run $ getPostIds >>= mapM getPostContent
select postid from postinfo;
select postid,content from postcontent where postid in (12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)
["example content 1","example content 2","example content 3","example content 4","example content 5","example content 6","example content 7","example content 8","example content 9","example content 10","example content 11","example content 12"]

Even though we used the standard mapM function to perform multiple getPostContent calls, they were batched together and executed as a single select query.

Introduction to Haxl

You can find the full documentation for Haxl here, but in this section I’ll walk through the most important parts, and then we’ll implement our own data source for the blog database.

Haxl is a Monad:

newtype GenHaxl u a

instance Functor (GenHaxl u)
instance Applicative (GenHaxl u)
instance Monad (GenHaxl u)

It is generalised over a type variable u, which can be used to pass around some user-defined data throughout a Haxl computation. For example, in our application at Facebook we instantiate u with the data passed in with the request that we’re processing.

Essentially there is a Reader monad built-in to Haxl. (this might not be the cleanest design, but it is the way it is.) Throughout the following we’re not going to be using the u parameter, and I’ll often instantiate it with (), like this:

type Haxl a = GenHaxl () a

The most important operation in Haxl is dataFetch:

dataFetch :: (DataSource u r, Request r a) => r a -> GenHaxl u a

This is how a user of Haxl fetches some data from a data source (in our example, from the blog database). The Haxl library is designed so that you can use multiple user-defined data sources simultaneously.

The argument of type r a is a request, where r is the request type constructor, and a is the type of the result we’re expecting. The r type is defined by the data source you’re using, which should also supply appropriate instances of DataSource and Request. For example, the request type for our blog looks like this:

data BlogRequest a where
  FetchPosts       :: BlogRequest [PostId]
  FetchPostContent :: PostId -> BlogRequest PostContent

Note that we’re using a GADT, because we have two different requests which each produce a result of a different type.

Next, our request type needs to satisfy the Request constraint. Request is defined like this:

type Request req a =
  ( Eq (req a)
  , Hashable (req a)
  , Typeable (req a)
  , Show (req a)
  , Show a

That is, it is a synonym for a handful of type class constraints that are all straightforward boilerplate. (defining constraint-synonyms like this requires the ConstraintKinds extension, and it’s a handy trick to know).

The other constraint we need to satisfy is DataSource, which is defined like this:

class (DataSourceName req, StateKey req, Show1 req)
       => DataSource u req where
    :: State req
    -> Flags
    -> u
    -> [BlockedFetch req]
    -> PerformFetch

DataSource has a single method, fetch, which is used by Haxl to execute requests for this data source. The key point is that fetch is passed a list of BlockedFetch values, each of which contains a single request. The BlockedFetch type is defined like this:

data BlockedFetch r = forall a. BlockedFetch (r a) (ResultVar a)

That is, it contains a request of type r a, and a ResultVar a which is a container to store the result in. The fetch implementation can store the result using one of these two functions:

putSuccess :: ResultVar a -> a -> IO ()
putFailure :: (Exception e) => ResultVar a -> e -> IO ()

Because fetch is passed a list of BlockedFetch, it can collect together requests and satisfy them using a single query to the database, or perform them concurrently, or use whatever methods are available for performing multiple requests simultaneously.

The fetch method returns PerformFetch, which is defined like this:

data PerformFetch
  = SyncFetch  (IO ())
  | AsyncFetch (IO () -> IO ())

For our purposes here, we’ll only use SyncFetch, which should contain an IO action whose job it is to fill in all the results in the BlockedFetches before it returns. The alternative AsyncFetch can be used to overlap requests from multiple data sources.

Lastly, let’s talk about state. Most data sources will need some state; in the case of our blog database we need to keep track of the handle to the database so that we don’t have to open a fresh one each time we make some queries. In Haxl, data source state is represented using an associated data type called State, which is defined by the StateKey class:

class Typeable f => StateKey (f :: * -> *) where
  data State f

So every data source with request type req defines a state of type State req, which can of course be empty if the data source doesn’t need any state. Our blog data source defines it like this:

instance StateKey BlogRequest where
  data State BlogRequest = BlogDataState SQLiteHandle

The State req for a data source is passed to fetch each time it is called.

The full implementation of our example data source is in BlogDataSource.hs.

How do we run some Haxl?

There’s a runHaxl function:

runHaxl :: Env u -> GenHaxl u a -> IO a

Which needs something of type Env u. This is the “environment” that a Haxl computation runs in, and contains various things needed by the framework. It also contains the data source state, and to build an Env we need to supply the initial state. Here’s how to get an Env:

initEnv :: StateStore -> u -> IO (Env u)

The StateStore contains the states for all the data sources we’re using. It is constructed with these two functions:

stateEmpty :: StateStore
stateSet :: StateKey f => State f -> StateStore -> StateStore

To see how to put these together, take a look at HaxlBlog.hs.

Trying it out

We saw a small example of our Haxl data source working earlier, but just to round off this first part of the series and whet your appetite for the next part, here are a couple more examples.

Haxl batches things together when we use the Applicative operators:

*HaxlBlog> run $ (,) <$> getPostContent 1 <*> getPostContent 2
select postid,content from postcontent where postid in (2,1)
("example content 1","example content 2")

Even if we have multiple mapM calls, they get batched together:

*HaxlBlog> run $ (,) <$> mapM getPostContent [1..3] <*> mapM getPostContent [4..6]
select postid,content from postcontent where postid in (6,5,4,3,2,1)
(["example content 1","example content 2","example content 3"],["example content 4","example content 5","example content 6"])

In Part 2 we’ll talk more about batching, and introduce the upcoming ApplicativeDo extension which will allow Haxl to automatically parallelize sequential-looking do-expressions.